The Tuscarora tribe had migrated in ancient times from the New York area to the South, where they were based in the Carolinas.
Later, they were joined by the Tuscarora tribe, making it the Six Nations.
By 1711, the English were providing guns to the Cherokees in exchange for their help in fighting the Tuscarora tribe in the Tuscarora War.
Around 1712 remnants of the Tuscarora tribe settled in the northern part of the town.
(The Tuscarora tribe spoke the Iroquois language.)
The town is named after the Tuscarora tribe.
In about 1720, the Tuscarora tribe arrived in the Finger Lakes region.
The Tuscarora tribe lived in the Finger Lakes region as well, from ca. 1720.
The English offered Chief Blount control of the entire Tuscarora tribe if he assisted the settlers in defeating Chief Hancock.
The Tuscarora tribe near Niagara Falls, N.Y., is down to Howdy Hill, the last speaker who grew up learning the language at home.