"Just don't call me a former lounge singer," Turner insisted.
Anyone claiming an infirmity is entitled to a medical exam, and Turner, like others, insists that some recipients stop taking their medication to appear sicker than they are.
In The Countryman Turner insisted that Harris not shy away from including humor in his journalism.
It was the integrity of the bequest, on which Turner had always insisted.
Despite all the setbacks and frustrations, however, Turner insists that he is not disillusioned with the music business.
"No, I didn't," Turner insisted with equal fervor.
Turner insisted.
"I didn't do anything," Turner insisted.
Turner and Bovey insist that someone had stuck the chocolate bar in her hand and snapped a picture before she knew what was happening.
Turner insisted that the painting should be hung low on the wall at the exhibition to ensure it would be viewed from the correct angle.