Turner claimed he entered the tavern around 10:40 that night and went to his room on an upper floor.
In a 2008 interview, Turner claimed that the album was "a snapshot of pretty much exactly one year of my life".
Turner claimed to have been in bed sick on 5 November.
Turner would eventually claim the fourth position in the final two laps but would miss out on a podium finish for the race end.
Turner claimed that the party would have enough support to register for the 2005 elections, but this did not occur.
Turner claimed to be from a section of the vast continent farther south, closer by sea than by land.
Turner claimed on more than one occasion he had never been officially married to Bullock.
Turner himself claimed he was born on 23 April, but there is no proof of this.
Turner also claimed on more than one occasion that he and Tina weren't even legally married.
Turner claimed the title but never defended it.