Mr. Papandreou may also get a push from substantial progress last week in talks to reunify the Greek and Turkish sectors of Cyprus.
Considerable progress has been made towards the modernisation of the Turkish public sector using eGovernment.
The candidates agree that the main issue is how to reunify the nation, divided into Turkish and Greek sectors after Turkey invaded its northern third in 1974.
'The Corporate Volunteer Association' was founded in 2002 to encourage social responsibility projects among the Turkish private sector.
Prompted by the Berlin wall's demise, some have eyed the line that divides Cyprus into Greek and Turkish sectors.
In the absence of a reunification agreement for Cyprus, the Turkish sector of the island would be left out of the union.
The island has been divided between ethnically Greek and Turkish sectors ever since.
N.B.: Includes a significant coverage of the Turkish sector of historic Kurdistan, the Kurds, and their resistance movement.
The first torpedo, he said, was the collapse this week of negotiations to unite the Turkish and Greek sectors of Cyprus.
The Turkish sector is poor, rundown and frozen in time.