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"It would be in our interest to investigate why a film that is against the Turkish nation has been imported into Turkey," he said.
At the time, this was the largest return of immovable property to a minority within the Turkish nation.
The political existence of the Turkish nation was to be completely eliminated under these plans, except for a small region.
The political developments during this period have made a lasting impact which continues to affect the character of the Turkish nation.
The importance attributed by the Turkish nation to these values and its flag is widely known.
This is a stab in the back to the Turkish nation.
Their first act was to give the Turkish nation the right to exercise popular sovereignty via representative democracy.
These observations do not imply that we have any less regard for the great Turkish nation; far from it.
The most fundamental reforms allowed the Turkish nation to exercise popular sovereignty through representative democracy.
Turkish nation gives the necessary messages in every election.