With the recent public protests against the government, the Turkish model has been contested and put into perspective and thus is currently questionable.
It has been successful enough to prompt talk of a Turkish model of modern, moderate, liberal and democratic Islamism.
Underneath the robes of the Turkish model, two other doors were hidden.
The Egyptian Army wore the classic Turkish model until 1950.
Deniz Akkaya (born 3 August 1977) is a Turkish model and actress.
During the Ottoman rule, Dojran developed according to the Turkish model of an Islamic city.
This was the first time a Turkish model won such a prize.
She received the MGD national award in 2004 as "best Turkish model".
But I believe the best method of rebuilding is the Turkish model which only focuses humanitarian and redevelopment of infrastructure.
This is the deep state "Turkish model" that the Egyptian military aim to copy.