The second law offers amnesty to thousands of prisoners in Turkish jails.
A woman and her adopted son could face at least five years in a Turkish jail after being accused of possessing drugs and pornographic videos.
Bashar yielded promptly, and the terrorist leader is in a Turkish jail.
Was it possible that this was to be his fate, to rot in an unspeakable Turkish jail?
Have you ever seen the inside of a Turkish jail?
So they decided that he should be released after having spent 5 years, 6 months and 27 days in Turkish jails.
Alejo I returned (after escaping from a Turkish jail, but this is another story).
A great many of the prisoners in Turkish jails are, after all, convicted for political offences.
First, to what happened in the Turkish jails which was condemned by the European Parliament.
Three soccer fans accused of using forged banknotes, have ben set free by a judge after spending four months in a Turkish jail.