Turkey has refused to become a member of the convention and does not consider itself bound by it.
"And if this happens, Turkey will refuse to support us in an effort to stifle their own Kurds."
Turkey refuses to accept the word "genocide" to describe the killings of Armenians during that period.
Administration officials say there are several obvious reasons why Turkey has refused to go along with the deal.
However, Turkey refused to provide a base for the system and a search started for a new location.
I stress substantive acceptance because Turkey has not refused to accept democracy formally; hardly anyone in the world today does.
To this day, however, Turkey refuses to acknowledge this genocide.
If Turkey refuses to make crucial reforms, we must bring a halt to negotiations on membership.
Turkey refused at first to grant permission for dives to try to find the wreckage.
Turkey, trying to remain neutral, refused to allow anyone off the ship.