The threat of Trump City is over, but new threats can replace it.
That process could affect the financing and leasing of retail space for Trump City.
The only advantage to leaving the highway in its present position is that it makes things easier for Trump City.
It's not just that Trump City is too big.
But beyond the design of Trump City, the whole process by which it has been planned has been troubling.
He said requiring an environmental review of the road would have no effect on the organization's plans for its huge complex, called Trump City.
At the time, they were trying to thwart Trump City.
But they could not recall a specific instance and certainly nothing on the magnitude of Trump City.
He has a plan to turn the site into Trump City - a huge complex with 7,600 apartments and the world's tallest building.
On a site exceeding 15 acres, it is a quarter the size of Trump City.