Trisha Brown now works in new studios farther west on 55th Street.
Trisha Brown has done surprising things in her 28-year career as a post-modernist choreographer.
Trisha Brown is not a choreographer who invites viewers to sit back and let the dancing wash over them.
Trisha Brown at her best is poetic rapture shot through with teasing practicality.
"It's great to be home," Trisha Brown said at the start of a pre-performance talk.
There are times when Trisha Brown is almost impossibly exasperating.
Trisha Brown is a noble dancer and choreographer, unique in her vision.
Trisha Brown can be trusted not to do anything the easy way these days.
I can't imagine a male choreographer doing for me what Trisha Brown does.
This exhibition is worth the trip for Trisha Brown alone.