Russia persuaded Germany and France to join her in applying diplomatic pressure on the Japanese, resulting in the Triple Intervention of 23 April 1895.
Japan sought to prevent a repetition of the Triple Intervention that deprived her of Port Arthur.
Under his leadership, the squadron took control over Port Arthur and Dalny as a result of the Triple Intervention.
However, following the First Sino-Japanese War and the Triple Intervention, his political views moved to the right of the political spectrum.
However, within weeks, Germany, France and Russia pressured Japan to cede the territory back to China, in what was called the Triple Intervention.
Nor was a desire to retaliate for the Triple Intervention of 1895 totally absent.
The first was that such privileges could be secured only with the sanction of the other powers; this had been clearly demonstrated by the Triple Intervention.
Russia had the most to gain out of the Triple Intervention.
After the Triple Intervention in China, leading politicians, such as Joseph Chamberlain questioned the policy of remaining free of formal alliances.
However, many of the material gains from this war were lost by Japan due to the Triple Intervention.