Notably, he was the one who read the countdown over the loudspeakers for the "Trinity" test in 1945.
In 1945 he was an eyewitness to the Trinity test as a member of the detonation team.
In July 1945, he was on hand to view the Trinity nuclear test.
Information about the Trinity test was made public shortly after the bombing of Hiroshima.
The name refers to the Trinity test, the first nuclear explosion, which took place in July 1945.
That sample was then used in the Trinity nuclear test on July 16, 1945.
Even before the Trinity test, national leaders debated the impact of nuclear weapons on domestic and foreign policy.
The worry was not entirely extinguished in some people's minds until the Trinity test.
The pre-test produced data that proved vital for the Trinity test.
Trinity test, the first testing of a nuclear weapon in 1945.