The tribunal held that the legislation did not violate Law's rights.
The tribunal is now holding 27 people indicted for war crimes.
Tribunal held the pool for comparison was men and women who got degrees when they were aged 25 or over.
The tribunal is now holding 26 defendants in Arusha, four of whom are on trial.
The tribunal held its first public hearing - a bail request by one of the defendants - in November 2007.
The Tribunal also held that his arrest and indictment appeared to be politically motivated.
The tribunal has long held many of the top accused conspirators in custody, yet precious few have so far been tried.
Tribunal held the difference came from different bargaining structures of the three professions, which were not in themselves discriminatory.
The Tribunal held the women did have a claim, even though none of the factors relied were discriminatory (acting up teachers also being men).
If a tribunal holds your dismissal to be unfair, it must consider which remedy to grant.