Long-term treatment, usually one to two years, may result in permanent control of the condition for some patients.
Since treatment and recovery often result in the loss of at least one income per family, insurance payments simply cannot cover the cost.
Long-term treatment can result in more energy, lower cholesterol levels, and gradual weight loss.
However, these treatments can result in a number of different side effects, making natural remedies a valuable choice.
Prophylactic treatment, however, resulted in average costs of $300,000 per year.
For people with cancer, treatments like chemotherapy and surgery can result in pain themselves.
Treatment can result in short-term swelling, redness, and a burning feeling.
The shaving of head hair is also sometimes done by cancer patients when their treatment may result in partial hair loss.
The treatments, which occur over the course of one month and are therefore called cycles, resulted in 11,315 live births.
The inhuman treatment of the prisoners of war resulted in a high death rate.