The payment was made from a little-used Treasury account, normally used for Minister's stationery and paper.
These activities include the disbursement of cash, receipt of funds, and acceptance of deposits for credit to officially designated Treasury general accounts.
Thus, if the Treasury were to mint one trillion dollar coins, it could deposit such coins at the Federal Reserve's Treasury account instead of issuing new debt.
Returns from the investment of the Treasury accounts produced the majority of the bank's income.
Thus, even when credited to their Treasury accounts, the panchayats are not able to use the funds because the finance department will not release them.
The plan to use Treasury accounts was part of a strategy "to maintain a sound liquidity position for the bank," said Dean DeBuck, a spokesman for the Comptroller's office.
Golfball: first recorded as a term in 1545 (although also referred to in the 1503-1504 Treasury account) - "Three dossoun and thre goif bawis"
It has a separate budget (general budget, special Treasury accounts, special budgets).
Also, investors will now be able to sell securities in their Treasury accounts without first transferring them out - typically by wire - to a bank or broker.
Previously, admission fees charged by parks were limited by law, and the money had to be sent to a special Treasury account.