However, due to the cessation of Gemstone's Disney comics license, these albums never came out in the Treasures series.
The idea that something is hidden is also taken up by Alice Harrison of Sparta, in three paintings from her "Hidden Treasures" series.
This Belfast artist will exhibit frescoes from his "Treasures of New York" series and other works.
Audio Commentary: This is the very first audio commentary heard in the Treasures series, heard over A Symposium On Popular Songs.
In 2007 the Smithsonian Art Collectors Program commissioned Moser to create a print for their Small Treasures series, the sales of which benefit educational and cultural programs through the Smithsonian Associates.
Lost Treasures: Concerto for Sonic Circles is the second album in the Lost Treasures series by well-known trance DJ/producer Tiësto.
Lost Treasures: Isle of Ra is the first album in the Lost Treasures series by well-known trance DJ/producer Tiësto and was released in 1996.
In 2008, the USPS issued a commemorative stamp in its "American Treasures" series featuring Bierstadt's 1864 painting Valley of the Yosemite.
In 2000 NFL Films returned to Pottstown for an episode of their Lost Treasures series.
Lost Treasures: Creatures of the Deep is the third and last album in the Lost Treasures series mixed by well-known trance DJ/producer Tiësto.