Her father retired as a claim manager in Boston for the Travelers Corporation.
The company is being sued by the Travelers Corporation and 12 other insurers and dozens of former patients.
Citing poor financial results, the Travelers Corporation has said it plans to stop selling major medical health insurance to individuals.
As expected, the Travelers Corporation reported a loss of $36 million for the third quarter yesterday.
The Travelers Corporation has run a series on women starting businesses in the home.
Her father, who is retired, was a lawyer for the Travelers Corporation of Hartford.
The Travelers Corporation formally began writing down the value of some troubled real estate loans, and set aside $650 million for losses.
Primerica has since merged with the Travelers Corporation and taken its name.
But she then received a letter from Travelers Corporation, where she had worked as an executive secretary and spent nine years running the suggestion plan.
Her father is the chairman and chief executive of the Travelers Corporation, the insurance company, in Hartford.