Beef cattle were shipped during the 1950s, and during the 1970s the local economy was given another boost with the completion of the trans-Alaska pipeline.
I'm wondering if the murderers are employees of the trans-Alaska pipeline.
Bronowski, Mackenzie and myself think it likely that the murderers were employees of the trans-Alaska pipeline.
In their rush to finish the $7.7 billion trans-Alaska pipeline in the late 1970's, workers did not adequately coat parts of it, state and Federal investigators say.
Alyeska officials say they will begin monitoring the town's air for the first time since oil began flowing in the trans-Alaska pipeline in 1977.
He is also known for his contributions to the design of earthquake-resistant structures and to the trans-Alaska pipeline.
Heaven help the trans-Alaska pipeline.
That dubious distinction belongs without any question to the trans-Alaska pipeline.
This turned what was originally intended as industrial land into retail land, no doubt helped by the development boom associated with the trans-Alaska pipeline.
One auctioneer, Butch Graham, said even the sales after the trans-Alaska pipeline was completed did not compare.