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Traditional Chinese is one of the two commonly used forms of writing Chinese languages.
Traditional Chinese is also often used for commercial purposes, such as shopfront displays and advertisements, though this is officially discouraged.
Pili (Traditional Chinese: 霹靂) is a puppet show from Taiwan.
Emily Wong (Traditional Chinese: 王歌慧) was born in 10 May 1990.
The key to unlock and nurture Neijing is said to be the practice of 'song' (Traditional Chinese: 鬆 ).
Her first song "I hear of... (Traditional Chinese: 聽說)" was released in the film.
Betty Wei (1930-) (Traditional Chinese: 魏白蒂) is a historian and a writer.
Similar to Taiwan, Traditional Chinese is also the legal language in Hong Kong and Macau.
He also represented by the word "Mysterious" (traditional Chinese: 神; Pinyin: shén).
Liu Cheng-chuan (Traditional Chinese:劉峻銓) is a Taiwanese professional pool player.