Prime Minister David Cameron installs a badge on a car at the Toyota factory in Burnaston.
The state pledged $296 million in incentives to land the Toyota factory.
Toyota factories in Japan are designed to be happy places, where automated delivery cars play cheerful songs as they go by.
The war ended shortly before a scheduled Allied bombing run on the Toyota factories in Aichi.
It struck anyone watching Thai workers singing a Japanese company song after calisthenics in the Toyota factory near Bangkok.
Toyota factory in Burnaston near Derby.
Forklifts do not race down the assembly line the way they do at the frenzied Toyota factory in Valenciennes.
Although freight trains serving the Toyota factory are a common sight in Cambridge, the city at present has no passenger rail service.
The Toyota factory would be the largest built in the Czech Republic since the end of the cold war.
It was after this law was announced that the Toyota factory - and many others - decided to open in France.