However, he used the plans for a previous church, in Townsend Street, which had been designed by James Leeson.
Its first hospital on Townsend Street in Roxbury held 45-beds.
First English Lutheran Church is located at the corner of James Street and Townsend Street.
A cholera epidemic hit Dublin in 1832, and Catherine agreed to staff a cholera hospital on Townsend Street.
Studios were moved to their present location at 340 Townsend Street in 1998.
Its western end meets College Street near Townsend Street.
It would limit offices to a corridor along Townsend Street and also limit bars and cabarets.
Limn is situated at 290 Townsend Street.
Through December, at 290 Townsend Street; (415) 543-5466.
This would be the headquarters of the Fire Brigade until a new headquarters was opened in Townsend Street in 1998.