Toshiba Machine says it still does not know where the machine is.
Japan's trade minister hopes to visit Washington this week to discuss Toshiba Machines' illegal sale to Moscow.
Toshiba Machine appears not to have been related to the transactions with Libya.
Last year Toshiba Machine sold more than $105 million worth of products in the United States, about 17 percent of its worldwide sales.
So far the main action taken against Toshiba Machine has been a Government order barring it from exporting anything to Communist countries for a year.
Toshiba Machine has been ordered to suspend all exports to 14 Communist countries for a year.
Toshiba Machine is a subsidiary of the Toshiba Corporation.
Toshiba Machine is partly owned by the Toshiba Corporation.
Toshiba Machine had sales in the United States of $105 million.
Itochu and Toshiba Machine had long association.