Any stylish married woman in a Tolstoy novel is a bad woman.
It's a Tolstoy novel.
I used more aliases than there are celacter Tolstoy novel.
The first film adaptation of the Tolstoy novel was made in 1909 by D. W. Griffith, and ran 10 minutes.
Janáček also used the Tolstoy novel in 1908-1909 when it inspired him to compose a Piano Trio in three movements, now lost.
Andre Tchelistcheff was born in this century, but his life before he came to California was the stuff of a Tolstoy novel.
Katya had named her partisan horse Anna, after her favorite Tolstoy novel.
"To me, they are like characters in Tolstoy novels, ugly on the outside, but beautiful within," he said.
So much for the game, which was moving along at about the same speed as a Tolstoy novel.
Mitigation presentations can come across as sentimental affairs, often with complex and heartbreaking family sagas, a cross between a Bob Greene column and a Tolstoy novel.