The Tokugawa era brought peace, and that brought prosperity to a nation of 31 million.
Between 100,000 and 200,000 people died here during the Tokugawa era.
Little is known how the books were circulated before the Tokugawa era.
The Hagakure was written approximately one hundred years after the start of the Tokugawa era, a time of relative peace.
The antiques available generally date back to the Tokugawa era and Meiji era.
Set during the late Tokugawa era, the story follows a reclusive ronin who is trying to atone for past transgressions.
Even when private landownership spread in the latter Tokugawa era it did so under this premise.
They were the first samurai group of the Tokugawa era to allow those from non-samurai classes like farmers and merchants to join.
He was one of the greatest ceramicists of the Tokugawa era.
Its commercial significance somewhat wavered during the Tokugawa era.