Aloha is the second album by Todd Smith under the moniker El-Creepo!
The album was produced by Todd Smith, who has done work with Days of the New and Smash Mouth.
The reporter, 28-year-old Todd Smith, had been researching stories on cocaine traffickers and leftist guerrillas.
A reporter for the local Suburban Journals, Todd Smith, was also injured.
His new album, "Todd Smith," is also the third album he has named after himself.
But that isn't it, said Todd Smith, a spokesman for AutoVantage.
"There aren't enough restaurants in town so that you are bound to bump into the others," said Todd Smith, director of research at DePuy.
Todd Smith kicked 2 extra points and a 29-yard field goal.
Todd Smith, 32, a consultant in Jacksonville, Fla., who helps small companies develop and execute business plans, hit a 10-month dry spell in 2002.
Last weekend, Todd Smith, the recreation supervisor, was letting three boys throw big rubber balls at the walls and even straight at him.