In the Battle of Kursk, a Tiger I commanded by Michael Wittmann survived a collision with a T-34.
The Tigers survived this premature celebration to win the Eastern Division title with a 1-0 victory.
When Triumph recovered and began production again at Meriden,only the Tiger 100 survived in the new production line.
Even if the Tiger survived, it might be too severely injured to return for me, even if Captain Tempany believed in my survival.
To the Editor: The review of the tiger situation in "Improbably, the Tiger Survives" (Oct. 12) is more optimistic than I consider justified.
Worse than that, the fact that Tiger survived the starvation ordeal implies that he, too, was fed from Parker's body.
Tiger narrowly survives the attack when his henchmen show up and drive away Iron Monkey.
Tiger survived the culling of older capital ships following the Washington Naval Treaty, although she was placed in reserve on 22 August 1921.
Henderson missed 17 minutes against Yale with foul trouble, and the Tigers survived.
Shaw threw INT's on each of his possessions and the Tigers once again survived.