A Tiger leader has staged a protest fast against the accord, and others have vowed to block Indian Army convoys on roads.
Yet despite recent official efforts to redress some of the most discriminatory laws and practices, Tiger leaders now insist that only separation will satisfy them.
The gray-haired Tiger leader got up from his chair and walked to the map behind him.
Atwater suspected he could only push the Tiger leader a little higher.
For Bandaran, getting the arms to sell to the Tiger leader was simple.
Two days later, the Army announced that the Tiger leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, had been killed.
Hogan describes Tiger as 'the' leader of the French Underground.
But opponents criticized as naive her insistence on early signs from the Tiger leaders that they were negotiating in good faith.
The Indians, who once met regularly with Tiger leaders, are now unsuccessfully trying to capture them.
Still others believe that the Tiger leaders may have been shocked by a battle last November that inflicted enormous casualties on all sides.