He allowed a single hit and no runs in breezing through three scoreless innings against the Dodgers at Thomas J. White Stadium.
Attendance, or its decline, has led the Mets to delay extending their lease for Thomas J. White Stadium beyond this year.
Look no farther than Thomas J. White Stadium, where the Mets opened their spring season this afternoon.
Henderson reported today to Thomas J. White Stadium, a day after the rest of the Mets' position players showed up.
Spend enough time at his corner locker at Thomas J. White Stadium and Henderson will treat you like a messenger.
"I'm really happy," Alexander said, standing in street clothes outside Thomas J. White Stadium.
Brogna left Thomas J. White Stadium on crutches and was instructed to keep the leg elevated tonight.
But it does not get much earlier than the first intrasquad game, which was held today at Thomas J. White Stadium.
The 38-year-old Brooks was at Thomas J. White Stadium by 7:45 a.m., before almost all of his new teammates.
Gooden, though, walked into Thomas J. White Stadium this morning in an upbeat and positive mood.
He allowed a single hit and no runs in breezing through three scoreless innings against the Dodgers at Thomas J. White Stadium.
Attendance, or its decline, has led the Mets to delay extending their lease for Thomas J. White Stadium beyond this year.
Look no farther than Thomas J. White Stadium, where the Mets opened their spring season this afternoon.
Henderson reported today to Thomas J. White Stadium, a day after the rest of the Mets' position players showed up.
Spend enough time at his corner locker at Thomas J. White Stadium and Henderson will treat you like a messenger.
"I'm really happy," Alexander said, standing in street clothes outside Thomas J. White Stadium.
Brogna left Thomas J. White Stadium on crutches and was instructed to keep the leg elevated tonight.
But it does not get much earlier than the first intrasquad game, which was held today at Thomas J. White Stadium.
The 38-year-old Brooks was at Thomas J. White Stadium by 7:45 a.m., before almost all of his new teammates.
Gooden, though, walked into Thomas J. White Stadium this morning in an upbeat and positive mood.