A muscle man walking west on Thirtieth Street stops and sets down a heavy backpack.
Jax turns downtown and parks where they can watch the action on Thirtieth Street.
It was in a small office building on Thirtieth Street.
A loading dock from Thirtieth Street was the route bodies arrived and left the morgue.
She leaned forward and told the driver that she wanted to go to police headquarters instead of Thirtieth Street.
Angelo turned onto Thirtieth Street and killed the engine.
Jack had given directions to be dropped off at the Thirtieth Street en- trance of the medical examiner's office.
He was totally perplexed now, the odd scene on Thirtieth Street making no sense yet.
The block of Thirtieth Street on which she lived met Thomas's expectations and surpassed them.
If you don't mind walking up one flight on Thirtieth Street' She glanced at him, then quickly turned away.