Teutonic efficiency.
A model of Teutonic efficiency, and the sort of double-tracking system that had contributed to the "miracle" of the post-war German economy.
I Map Run by an Austrian-Turkish team who combine Teutonic efficiency with local know-how.
There was a sense of urgency, now, and very little Teutonic efficiency about the milling scrum of men and soldiers.
That would be Kurt Eichner, the Academy's senior captain, a model of Teutonic efficiency.
Which they put down with Teutonic efficiency.
An hour later, you could guarantee, the harbour master, with Teutonic efficiency, would send a message using that day's Enigma settings, warning ships to beware of mines in naval grid square such-and-such.
So much for Teutonic efficiency.
Ahmed Mostafa, the Saudi owner (who lived formerly in Germany) runs the company with a killer combination of local know-how and Teutonic efficiency.
For some, the agency's allure is not just Teutonic efficiency but its Gallic laissez-faire.