Author Just points out that although these New Testament texts do not give absolute power to the men.
They write that, "(i)n numerous Old Testament texts the power and glory of Israel's God is described in the language of violence."
Our references to the Testament text are also from this work.
However-" "I was hoping for a different Old Testament text.
Nothing new is said, but vestments are now emphatically described as idolatrous abuses with reference to radically iconoclastic Old Testament texts.
The Junius manuscript contains three paraphrases of Old Testament texts.
The translation could have been done separately for different Old Testament texts, and the whole work was probably done by the 2nd century AD.
The nesting birds may refer to Old Testament texts which emphasize the universal reach of God's empire, such as Daniel 4:12.
Old Testament texts, the "Watchwords", are chosen by lot annually in Herrnhut from a collection of 1200 verses.
I like the idea that you don't necessarily know that you're moving from, say, an Old Testament text to a Hindu one.