He also judges Jesus' intention as curious to pass by the disciples, but interprets this before the background of Old Testament narratives of theophany like Ex 33:19-22, following John P. Meier and others.
The Pope's plan for the Apostles would thematically have formed a pictorial link between the Old Testament and New Testament narratives on the walls, and the popes in the gallery of portraits.
Tourniquet's lyrical influences span a wide range; everything from Old Testament narrative, to medical allegories, to Edgar Allan Poe type descriptive horror.
Many psalters, particularly from the 12th century onwards, included a richly decorated "prefatory cycle" - a series of full-page illuminations preceding the Psalms, usually illustrating the Passion story, though some also featuring Old Testament narratives.
This is seen in Old Testament narratives such as the stories spread across the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
Christian commentators could read Old Testament narratives simultaneously as prefigurations of analogous New Testament episodes, as symbolic lessons about Church institutions and current teachings, and as personally applicable allegories of the Spirit.
Although Kenyon had no doubt the sites she excavated were linked to the Old Testament narrative she nevertheless drew attention to inconsistencies, concluding that Solomon's "stables" at Megiddo were totally impractical for holding horses (1978:72), and that Jericho fell long before Joshua's arrival (1978:35).
The monument of Henry Fitzroy, by contrast, has a base section decorated with heraldry and is also covered with masons' marks, while its upper section showcases Old Testament narratives but none of the marks.
NOYES MUSEUM "For the Love of Art: Carvings and Paintings by South Jersey Folk Artist Albert Hoffman," reflecting Old Testament narratives and American Indian life, and landscape photographs by Dwight Hiscano.
Nothing in the choreography literally retold that Old Testament narrative, and you didn't have to know the composer's source material.