Intended optimum deployment time is twenty-five Terran years, with provision for a sixty percent increase in personnel during that period.
If the Ekhonide, a tall proud man who looked about 40 in Terran years, had hoped to make an impression with his statement, he was disappointed.
No ekti harvesting had been done here since the Roamer disaster 183 Terran standard years ago.
She looked about six in Terran years, with subtle head ridges and a lone braid of hair at the back of her skull.
For most of a Terran year, I had looked on this terrain from space, half-dead from the ennui of waiting.
That makes no sense either, since they're only four hundred or so days in a Terran year.
"Twenty-eight point seven two Terran standard years, Aunt Kathleen."
Eight humans, crowded together like monkeys for almost three Terran years, had better get along much better than humans usually did.
For a Terran year, worse luck.
Clark is just six, but the "Eleven Years" referred to in that title are Terran years because it was written on Earth.