"Seven years, eight months, and six days, Terran standard."
Chives entered, on bare feet which touched the carpet soundlessly though the gee-field was set at Terran standard.
By Terran standards, the waterfall was not very impressive--perhaps one hundred metres high and twenty across.
David, peeking out from behind interlaced bands, muttered something in a language that Spock was certain was not Terran standard.
By Terran standards, he looked to be eighteen or nineteen.
So far above sea level, atmospheric pressure was near Terran standard; a man could safely breathe and men had erected Highport.
"Atmosphere oxygen-rich, Captain, slightly more than Terran standard."
We are, after all, in their territory and if there is anyone here who speaks even a little Terran standard, you have just insulted their highest nobility.
By Terran standards, their arms and legs had an elongated look, as if each limb, each digit, had an extra joint somewhere.
"That's only because you're judging by purely Terran standards," she told him calmly.