Costumes hang on a rack behind the Ted Shawn Theater.
And the refurbished Ted Shawn Theater looks more like the original than the intermediate steps.
Ted Shawn Theater at 8 p.m. $50; $45 for students, 65+ and children.
On Sunday afternoon Batsheva presented two ensemble pieces in the Ted Shawn Theater.
The 665-seat Ted Shawn Theater has a newly refurbished lobby and gallery and remains the prime performance site.
At the Ted Shawn Theater.
On July 9, 1942, the Ted Shawn Theatre, the first theater in the United States designed specifically for dance, opened its doors.
For one thing, the stage of the Ted Shawn Theater here is a little small for bravura ballet dancing.
Everyone eventually gathered together for a program in the Ted Shawn Theater that honored two distinguished dancers.
Mark Morris's busy Dance Group is at the larger Ted Shawn Theater through the weekend, with an extra show added for this afternoon.