When she looked up again, tears sparkled in her purple eyes.
From out of nowhere, tears sparkled in her eyes.
Tears sparkled on the ends of her lashes and his face blurred as she looked up at him.
Her voice was whisper-thin as tears sparkled in her eyes.
Tears, that would never have been there in the Royale days, sparkled in her eyes.
Tears sparkled in Andreziana's eyes, and she stared up at him wordlessly.
At that moment, the mountain rotated into sunlight, and tears sparkled in the Consul's eyes.
Tears sparkled like jewels on her long dark lashes.
Tears sparkled on her cheeks and, to Jaxom's surprise, he realized his own eyes were wet, too.
Tears sparkled in her eyes and she brushed them away impatiently, angry with herself for not being able to keep them back.