The Nian was eventually captured by Hongjun Laozu, an ancient Taoist monk.
Clips include a high altitude meeting with Taoist monks in China.
However, he became a great Taoist monk later.
For Taoist monks and nuns, there are more advanced and stricter precepts.
When Emperor Taizong found out about these things, he put Chengxin and the Taoist monks all to death.
Dongjing is a type of ritual music, said to have been sung by Taoist monks in the area.
The temple is a lively, huge and fascinating complex of shrines and courtyards, tended by Taoist monks with their hair gathered into topknots.
Like Taoist monks, they kept their hair, and in many other ways enjoyed considerable liberty in their lifestyle.
He was particularly hateful of Taoist monks, and whenever he encountered them, he would batter them severely, sometimes cutting their hair off.
In fear, Jiang offered to resign and asked to become a Taoist monk.