Broadly speaking, before the Brisker method, Talmudic texts were taken at "face value" unless there was a compelling reason not to.
Display Torah texts that are mentioned by other Talmudic texts with the click of a mouse (hypertext).
This treatise on the inner spiritual life makes numerous references to both Biblical and Talmudic texts.
The curriculum focuses primarily on Talmudic texts and commentary.
While chavruta-style learning is traditionally practiced by men and boys, it has become popular in women's yeshivas that study Talmudic texts.
However most notably, Talmudic texts were rare since they were outlawed on several occasions.
The Talmud, and other talmudic texts, contain several references to the "son of Pandera".
Great scores should be revered and studied like Talmudic texts.
However, Talmudic texts often deal with laws outside these apparent subject categories.
The details of these laws are codified from the Talmudic texts in the Mishneh Torah.