His Talmud classes reveal how each word of the Gemara and Rishonim are measured and enlightening.
He is also a Talmudic scholar and has lectured and taught Talmud classes for many years.
In 1992, she began a women's Talmud class in her home, teaching the text (traditionally forbidden to women) in its original Hebrew and Aramaic.
Lior Ashkenazi, who was raised in a secular home, took Talmud classes at the Hebrew University and let his beard grow for eight months.
Transportation officials have agreed to extend free MetroCard hours to 10:30 p.m. for Jewish students who attend Talmud classes late into the evening.
He teaches Talmud classes on Shabbat.
Still, Ms. Kosowsky, who recently earned a master's degree in computer science, says that her Talmud class is "the high point of my week."
For twenty-eight years he conducted weekly Talmud classes, organized adult education courses at the synagogue, and was one of the lecturers.
She easily summons memories from when she was younger and was turned away from a Talmud class at a synagogue because of her gender.
The synagogue office and Talmud class were housed at 1384 Lexington Avenue, across the street from the 92 Street Y.