A number of Taiwanese American businesses and organizations still operate and flourish in this part of Houston.
Throughout 1988 and 1989, Hung visited numerous Taiwanese businesses, trying to convince them to form professional baseball clubs.
These have proved to be troublesome in the past, with the company transferring the assets and liabilities of its Taiwanese business to China Life earlier this year.
However, the measures stopped short of establishing direct trade, transport and postal links, as demanded by many Taiwanese businesses.
In addition, Taiwanese businesses would be allowed to remit money from China to Taiwan.
Taiwanese own 40,000 businesses around the Mainland, making Taiwan the most important foreign investor in China today.
This was a problem for many Taiwanese businesses that had opened factories or branches in mainland China.
It is estimated that some 50,000 Taiwanese businesses and 1,000,000 businesspeople and their dependents are established in the PRC.
In 2010 China and Taiwan signed an economic cooperation agreement which enabled Taiwanese businesses to attract more capital from the mainland and provided them with greater market access.
That potential is also better understood by following economic logic, with Taiwanese businesses having invested more than $40 billion in the mainland and showing interest in investing more.