So is the Old Broadway Tabernacle Church.
He was ordained the next day at the Tabernacle Church in Salem.
The Tabernacle Church, Lydia's Hat Designs, a used-furniture store, and a corner grocery.
His best known work in this city is the Tabernacle Church, which he designed.
He became pastor of the Tabernacle Church, Salem, in 1803, which charge he held until his death.
He became occupied enough with his missionary work, that in 1819 an associate pastor was appointed at the Tabernacle Church.
He was pastor of the Tabernacle Church, Salem, from 1834 to 1860, when impaired health caused him to resign.
The Tabernacle Church of God, with which it was once affiliated, no longer exists, prosecutors said.
Jamie Buckingham (1932-1992) was the founder of the Tabernacle Church in Melbourne, Florida.
On July 22, 1819 he became associate pastor of the Tabernacle Church in Salem, Massachusetts.