On Monday, more than one million Lebanese marched to show their support of the opposition and for an end to Syrian domination.
Now Lebanon is struggling to become a whole, genuine country after 29 years of Syrian domination.
The former prime minister, Rafik Hariri, had been working behind the scenes to end Syrian domination of Lebanon's affairs.
There is a feeling among them that the United States and their traditional mentor, France, have accepted Syrian domination over Lebanon as a matter of fact.
In Washington, President Bush said the bombing was "yet another act of violence aimed at subjugating Lebanon to Syrian domination and silencing the Lebanese press."
Mr. Hariri, a Lebanese politician opposed to Syrian domination of his country, was assassinated six months later.
France has long supported General Aoun's opposition to Syrian domination of Lebanon.
You counsel that "he, and Lebanon, are stuck with Syrian domination until Lebanon's many factions act together."
This, coupled with perceived Syrian domination of its leadership, led to increasing frustration among rank-and-file communists against the upper echelons of the party.
General Aoun said that General Khatib and the Muslim government are under Syrian domination.