This led to the Lebanese forces to abstain from the Syrian attack against Aoun.
Nafshi's force of five tanks at Bunker 107 was the first to report the new Syrian attack.
Plus, the Lebanese Forces started preparing the front lines in case of a Syrian attack.
Security against Syrian attack may be Israel's main interest on the Golan Heights, with water sources here running a close second.
There they joined many others who have been camped around the palace since Monday to block any Syrian attack.
The French legislators joined thousands of students who camped outside the palace, pledging to block any Syrian attack.
The operation was a response to Syrian attacks on Israeli fishermen.
Frank wakes up to find his team is attempting to hold of the crash site from Syrian terrorist attack.
But General Aoun said in an interview at his bunker here that he does not expect a Syrian attack.
The raid failed, but may have delayed the Syrian attack on Degania, thus giving its defenders twenty-four hours to prepare.