"This is like an elegant almuni reunion," Sylvia Miles told her.
Sylvia Miles, in a tuxedo, never looked better.
If her show doesn't catch on, Beverly can always find work as a stand-in for Sylvia Miles.
Sylvia Miles reprised her role as a real estate agent from the first film.
Anxious for her granddaughter to settle down, Ida turns to the local marriage broker (Sylvia Miles).
And her availability for photo opportunities threatens to turn her into her generation's Sylvia Miles.
While no one would accuse Sylvia Miles of being lazy, there are those who grumble about her turning up everywhere.
He then married the actress Sylvia Miles, with whom he had several acrimonious battles on the air, particularly over alimony.
Sylvia Miles, actress and champion party goer, says that more and more of her invitations are summonses to salons.
The grand opening (even Sylvia Miles was to be there, for heaven's sake) was scheduled for the next day.