Ryan's abilities soon came to the attention of Sydney clubs, always on the lookout for new coaching talent.
Meet at short notice with representatives of the 11 Sydney clubs and Illawarra, and offer a share in a team.
The committee also expressed the view that "the Board should convene as soon as possible to demonstrate leadership on the issue of fewer Sydney clubs".
From 1979 he performed as Billy Shake in Sydney clubs but generated little income.
At that time, Sydney club rugby was organised on two levels, known simply as Senior and Junior.
For several years in the late 1980s the show also featured a weekly satirical roundup of entertainment at local Sydney clubs.
Sydney club was founded in 1934.
He played with the Grosvenor Club (another inner Sydney club) until 1902.
Western Suburbs became the first Sydney club to use an animal for its nickname and logo.
It was one of the most successful Sydney clubs of the 1990s.