Comparable oxygen isotope shifts have been measured in sediments from Swiss and Polish lakes at precisely the same times.
Swiss lakes are home of a number of large steamships.
Ah, what a lunch that was today, Miner thought to himself as the sleek black sedan hugged the shores of the choppy Swiss lake.
Roofs and trees were blown away, and all navigation on the Swiss lakes was closed.
With the first systematic lowering of the Swiss lakes from 1868 to 1883, the site fell completely dry.
In 1898, the soundings of the major Swiss lakes are finished.
He was particularly drawn to the Swiss lakes and mountains.
In the field of ichthyology, he is credited with providing scientific descriptions of three coregonid species found in Swiss lakes.
As I recalled, storms sprang up rapidly about the Swiss lakes, appearing to arrive from all corners of the sky at once.
The Pile Dwelling subrace lived around the Swiss lakes.