Twenty-five years before, a Swiss couple had bought the head for just $12,000.
La Sirena is owned by a young Swiss couple with a tow-headed 2-year-old, who smiles angelically at guests.
During a lunch of smorrebrod, buttered bread topped with herring, we chatted with a Swiss couple.
"Excuse me," David asked a Swiss couple at the next table, "do you tip in Switzerland?"
At breakfast we are seated adjacent to a table of our relative contemporaries - two American men and a Swiss couple.
We learned about the dogs and one another - a Swiss couple drove the other sled.
The passengers included high-spirited Australian and American tourists and a young Swiss couple.
The film follows an estranged Swiss couple who re-evaluate their relationship with the discovery of their daughter's terminal illness.
Nor that gloomy Swiss couple in black Lycra.
The Swiss couple escaped in March 2012.