He has spent the last four years in a Swiss clinic for treatment of his epilepsy and supposed intellectual deficiencies.
Instead of adding one more outstanding achievement to his record, he spent seven months in a private Swiss clinic.
From Swiss clinics and private sanitaria they came, eager to be frozen.
He suffered tuberculosis and severe clinical depression and spent a year in Swiss clinics.
Duleepsinhji was expected to return in 1933 and went to a Swiss clinic for treatment in the 1932-33 off-season.
And then there's the Swiss clinic, all ready to go at a moment's notice, no questions asked.
He did, however, have his blood "cleaned" at a Swiss clinic in 1973.
She wanted to exercise during her long internment in the Swiss clinic but she was forbidden to do so at least for the first week.
This is also true of the patients in the Swiss clinic where doctors continue to describe problems with recognition of hypoglycaemia.
H.D. spent her last years of failing health in a Swiss clinic.