He then signed a second affidavit that reaffirmed his first, which the Swift Boat Veterans gave to reporters.
Soon, however, he was pummeled over his war record by a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Rassman continued to challenge the Swift Boat Veterans' account of events throughout the campaign.
A 527 group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth formed to challenge Kerry on his record.
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is one of the so-called 527 committees, named for a provision in the tax code that created them.
And don't be surprised to see some version of Swift Boat Veterans for Deep Throat.
His account added to a growing debate over the most serious claims from the group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
Why don't they denounce the Swift Boat Veterans' attacks?
The Swift Boat Veterans and media pundits objected to this use of the term to define a smear campaign.
Swiftboating: a term used during the campaign to describe the work of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.