The Swedish industrial workers Bergsjon was planned for no longer live there.
Sad, very sad, I feel so sorry for the Swedish workers!
Grundström was deeply associated with the Swedish workers' movement and is characterized as a proletarian author.
Over the same period Swedish workers received a 4.4% pay rise - a real cut of 7.3%.
Swedish workers will have 12 months to look for a job and job-hunting help from Ericsson, but they will not receive severance packages.
In 1881 Sanford brought seventy-five more Swedish workers to his groves under the same arrangement.
This was considered highly provocative by the striking Swedish workers.
The same goes for the Swedish workers involved in the very symbolic Vaxholm case.
For SEK 40 billion, two million Swedish workers could go over to a 35-hour working week and still receive the same wages.
These workers earned much less than comparable Swedish workers.